Wednesday, July 15, 2009

caribbean cream

so, where to begin?
the liner notes indicate that this is Fields 44th album...44 albums!!! but, this...this, my friend, is his first time on record as a vocalist! So-how does Irving do at the mike? This album wss kind of a paradox, really. It wasn't so bad that it was good. Know what I mean? Like, the kind of record you love because it annoys people to the height of take that off agony...heh heh hehThere's 4 ok instros and some wah wah on here. I used the allseeing eye of google to track down Irving and apparently he's 90 something years old playing piano 6 nights a week in some NYC restaurant. Here's to you, Irving.... I mean, "fried flying fish" is not exactly "blowin in the wind" but you gave it your best shot, buddy

my rip at 320---once again.... no groove glide

(UPDATE: 09/10: Link is dead and I've lost the file!  Still have the record if you are interested in it comment or email me)


1 comment:

  1. Is there a way to get a good picture of the back cover of the record that shows the credits. A good friend of mine sang and played on that record (Ray Rivera). My email is
