Saturday, June 27, 2009

you can make it if you try

MIX #1:

2 record players and a cd player straight into the computer

untitled- butchwax- butt ugly dirt style breaks LP
soundbites from EBN, Dr. Dooom, and Grabbies cdr
-miko mika. attitude- 666 EP (Post Present Medium, 2007) 12"
-hipshakes. see me coming- shake their hips slovenly 12"
teengenerate- gonna feel alright- sympathy for the record industry 10"
fag cop.- automatic kansas- milk and herpes 7"

((NOTE 09/10: link is no longer responding and I may have lost this file...divshare is no soundcloud!!)) 

A year later, swan tablecloth set fire to a wig and exchanged fashions of sacrifice with a mechanical seahorse. Is that your magazine editor? he asked. The seahorse had no reply. Gestures of failings you knew and loved announcing nosalgia as your epitaph. If you don't murder yourself, you can't expect others to do it for you. Cows admire themselves in the mirror while fucking. Sales tax. A ghost with a glass of wine. If nothing can be forgotten, nothing can be remembered. A dog with the head of a fish.